Hilarious literal translations of Maltese idioms that give us the giggles
The Maltese language is a unique blend of many other languages combined; a reflection of the many counties that colonised it over centuries. And just like any other language that has its own verbal expressions, so does Maltese - but these ones (and there are way more!) just cannot be translated into any language...and you'll see why.
Things that run
Meaning: These things happen
Maltese: Affarijiet li jigru
Untie your hair and bring the oil
Meaning: Brace yourself!
Maltese: Holl xaghrek u gib iz-zejt
Bad lettuce
Meaning: Someone fainted
Maltese: Hass hazin
Don't cut your heart
Meaning: Don't give up
Maltese: Taqtax qalbek
I come, fall, and get up from you
Meaning: I couldn't care less about you
Maltese: Nigi naqa u nqum minnek
You narrowed me!
Meaning: You annoyed the bejesus out of me
Maltese: Dejjaqtni!
Cutting of meat
Meaning: Sore muscles
Maltese: Qtugh ta' laham
Everything come so we go
Meaning: Shoddy work
Maltese: Kollox ejja ha mmorru
How much empty are you, say?
Meaning: A stupid comment
Maltese: Kemm int vojt, ghid?
With the egg turned round
Meaning: Someone is in a bad mood
Maltese: Bil-bajda mdawra
I swallowed a pipe
Meaning: Something inconvenient happened
Maltese: Blajt kanna
Mix me so I understand you
Meaning: A person confused the heck out of you while explaining a situation
Maltese: Hawwadni ha nifhmek